Ezeaku Peter Ikemefuna
University of Nigeria
Peter Ikemefuna Ezeaku was born on 30 Sept. 1967. He hails from Ezama-Umabor, Ehalumonah in Nsukka LGA, Enugu State. He obtained his PhD in Soil Survey and Land Use Planning from University of Nigeria, Nsukka (UNN), in 2000; MSc (Soil Fertility Management) in 1993 (Enugu State Univ. of Science and Technology); PGD (Land and Water Resource Management) in 1991 at UNN. His teachings and researches span across multicultural dimensions: Nigeria, Ethiopia, Ghana, Japan, and Italy. Previously, Peter taught and researched at Kogi State University, Anyigba and Nasarawa State University, Keffi, Nigeria. Between 2007 and 2009, he was an Assistant Professor of Land Use Planning and Coordinator of the Land and Real Estate Management Department in the Urban Land Management Masters Degree Programme (World Bank/UNDP/Federal Government of Ethiopia Assisted Capacity Strengthening Programme) at the Ethiopian Civil Service University, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. In 2009, Peter was a visiting Fellow of United Nations University, Tokyo, Japan on ‘The UN Systems: Pressing Issues and Sustainable Solutions’ and ‘Global Climate Change and Sustainability’. He was a 2013 Visiting Senior Research Fellow at the United Nations University/Institute for Natural Resources in Africa (UNU/INRA), University of Ghana, Legon, Accra, Ghana where he did some works in Climate smart Agriculture, People-Land interactions and Natural Resources Management. Currently, Peter is a visiting Regular Associate of Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste, Italy (2009-2016). He is an external consultant (Agronomy and Farming Systems) to National Program for Food Security, Abuja, Nigeria and Head, Department of Soil Science, University of Nigeria, Nsukka, NIGERIA. Peter is happily married with three healthy children.
Research Interest