Nwani Christopher Didigwu
Zoology And Environmental Biology
University of Nigeria
Dr. Christopher Didigwu Nwani, a Nigerian is currently a senior lecturer and under assessment as a professor at the division of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, Department of Zoology and Environmental Biology University of Nigeria Nsukka. He has undergone formal training from Department of Animal and Environmental Biology University of Portharcourt and University of Nigeria Nsukka where he obtained BSc, MSc and PhD respectively. A recipient of the world academy of science award for excellence in Biotechnology, Dr Nwani was awarded a one year post-doctoral fellowship (PDF) in the area of Fisheries Molecular Biology and Biotechnology in 2007 at National Bureau of Fish Genetic Resources Lucknow, India. In 2009, Dr Nwani was again awarded another research scholarship on DNA Barcoding at the International Centre for DNA Barcoding, Institute of Biodiversity, University of Guelph, Ontario Canada in collaboration with the Consortium of the Barcode of life (CBOL) USA. He was again awarded TWAS-UNESCO award in 2010 as a visiting scholar for three years at the Chinese Academy of Science, Institute of Hydrobiology Hubei, China. In 2011, Dr Nwani was again awarded visiting Fellowship to Jiwaji University India by The Department of Biotechnology (DBT) Government of India in collaboration with CV Raman Fellowship for African Researchers. His research interest is in Systematics, Barcoding, Ecology, Molecular Toxicology, Genotoxicity and Aquaculture. His currentresearch is onIntrapopulation and interpopulation genetic diversity in fishes of Nigeria (Clarias) based on DNA markers to assist in fish culture and conservation program by identifying gene pool, genetic inbreeding (if any) and hybridization. Dr Nwani has toured and presented scientific papers in seminars, conferences and workshops in all the continents of the world visiting such countries like Ethiopia, Sudan, Kenya, India, China, Germany, Canada, USA, Netherlands, South Korea, United Arab Emirate (UAE) and Turkey. Dr Nwani has impact factor national and international journals. He is happily married with a wife children.
Research Interest
Systematics, Molecular Biology, Biotechnology, DNA barcoding, Environmental Bioology and Aquaculture.