
Healthcare Experts

Onyegegbu Nkadi Grace

Science Education
University of Nigeria


Nkadi Onyegegbu is at present, Professor in the Science Education Department, the immediate past Director, Institute of Education; Professor and Reproductive Health and Sexuality Educator in Science Education Department of University of Nigeria, Nsukka.  She holds a BSc. in Microbiology, a PGDE in Science Education, M.Ed and Ph.D in Science Education. Her academic career is garnished with strings of academic publications. She has edited seven books, contributed chapters in many books and has published avalanche of academic articles in renowned national and international journals. She is currently the Editor-in-Chief of Review of Educational Journal, and Editor of Educational Research Journal and Online African Journal of Education. She has also for fifteen years successfully organized and co-coordinated seminars, workshops, conferences for institute of Education and Leadership Training programs for the University of Nigeria, Nsukka. Her professional activities can be measured by her membership in  nine professional societies and associations. As a researcher, Professor Nkadi Onyegegbu has severed as a consultant to many international organizations including the World Health Organization [WHO], United Nations Children’s Fund [UNICEF], John D, & Catherine T MacArthur Foundation, Action Aids, Rainbow West Africa, Ford Foundation, United Nations Development Program [UNDP], Federal Ministry of Health, Nigeria and Millennium Development Goals[MDG] and National Reproductive Health, HIV & AIDs Prevention, Care and support through NYSC. As an academic and active researcher, she has globally traveled to the USA, Canada, China, Malaysia, India, South Africa, Uganda, Ghana, just to mention a few. She has delivered keynote addresses and Lead Paper presentations in a number of conferences. She has also conducted a number of funded researches and facilitated as Lead Resource Person in a number of sponsored capacity building workshops, seminars and training programs for teachers and youths.. Currently, she is a full time National Consultant for UNICEF on WASH, WINS4Girls MHM research Project. Despite her numerous commitments to teaching and research, professor Onyegegbu, still spends quality time with her family. At home she is an extremely humble and affectionate wife and mother. Her marriage to Engr. Professor Sam Onyegegbu has spanned through 40years and produced wonderful and lovely grown up children and grand children. Nkadi Onyegegbu is a devoted Christian and enjoys hobbies like jogging, gardening, collecting flowers and cake baking.

Research Interest

Science Education, Reproductive Health Issues, Sexuality Education,  Health Education, Youths’ Life Building Skills,  Capacity Building for in-service Teachers, 

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