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Oreh Catherine Ikodiya.

Adult Education And Extra-mural Studies
University of Nigeria


Prof Catherine I. Oreh joined the services of the University of Nigeria as a classroom teacher at the University Staff School Nsukka Campus in April 2, 1975. From there, she proceeded for further studies on a four-year study leave and graduated with a First Class Honours degree in Adult Education in 1984 as the best graduating student of both the Faculty of Education and the Department of Adult education and Extra-Mural Studies. During her undergraduate programme, Professor Oreh was a beneficiary of both University of Nigeria Senate Scholarship award and the Federal Government Merit Award. She was also a Distinguished Visiting Academic to the University of Liverpool in 1998. Professor Oreh has served as a consultant to different bodies which include; National University Commission (NUC), UNICEF, UNESCO, UBEC, NMEC, NTI and Teachers Registration Council of Nigeria. She is also a member of the Nigerian Academy of Education

Research Interest

Adult Education And Extra-mural Studies

Global Experts from Nigeria

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