Business & Management

Business & Management Experts

Tove Berit Berg

Nortura Pvt.Ltd


Tove Berit Berg is employed at the factory in Revetal. She joined the company in 2002. She has been a club leader since 2004, and was elected as a member of the National Board of NNN in 2009. Elected to the area election poll in the poultry area in 2015. Elected as an employee representative in the Group Board in 2015. Tove Berit Berg is employed at the factory in Revetal. She joined the company in 2002. She has been a club leader since 2004, and was elected as a member of the National Board of NNN in 2009. Elected to the area election poll in the poultry area in 2015. Elected as an employee representative in the Group Board in 2015.

Research Interest

Business & Management

Global Experts from Norway

Global Experts in Subject

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