Position: Executive Vice President in Statoil ASA since September 2004. External offices: Member of the board of Atlas Copco AB (Sweden) (until 26 April 2017), Alfa Laval (Sweden) and FMC Corporation (US). Year of birth: 1958 Number of shares in Statoil ASA: 49,227 (as of December 31, 2016) Loans from Statoil: None Experience: Øvrum has worked for Statoil since 1982 and has held central management positions in the company, including the position of Executive Vice President for Health, Safety and the Environment and Executive Vice President for Technology & Projects. She was the company's first female platform manager, on the Gullfaks field. She was Senior Vice President for operations for Veslefrikk and Vice President of Operations Support for the Norwegian continental shelf. Education: Master's degree in Engineering (sivilingeniør) from the Norwegian Institute of Technology (NTH) in Trondheim, specialising in technical physics. Family relations: No family relations to other members of the CEC, members of the Board or the Corporate Assembly. Other matters: Margareth Øvrum is a Norwegian citizen and resident in Norway. Position: Executive Vice President in Statoil ASA since September 2004. External offices: Member of the board of Atlas Copco AB (Sweden) (until 26 April 2017), Alfa Laval (Sweden) and FMC Corporation (US). Year of birth: 1958 Number of shares in Statoil ASA: 49,227 (as of December 31, 2016) Loans from Statoil: None Experience: Øvrum has worked for Statoil since 1982 and has held central management positions in the company, including the position of Executive Vice President for Health, Safety and the Environment and Executive Vice President for Technology & Projects. She was the company's first female platform manager, on the Gullfaks field. She was Senior Vice President for operations for Veslefrikk and Vice President of Operations Support for the Norwegian continental shelf. Education: Master's degree in Engineering (sivilingeniør) from the Norwegian Institute of Technology (NTH) in Trondheim, specialising in technical physics. Family relations: No family relations to other members of the CEC, members of the Board or the Corporate Assembly. Other matters: Margareth Øvrum is a Norwegian citizen and resident in Norway.
Research Interest
Economics and Business Administration