Tim .dodson
Year of birth: 1959 Number of shares in Statoil ASA: 29,418 (as of December 31, 2016) Loans from Statoil: None Experience: Has worked in Statoil since 1985 and held central management positions in the company, including the positions of Senior Vice President for Global Exploration, Exploration Norway and the Technology Arena. Education: Bachelor's degree of Science in Geology and Geography from the University of Keele. Family relations: No family relations to other members of the CEC, members of the Board or the Corporate Assembly. Other matters: Tim Dodson is a British citizen and lives in Norway. Year of birth: 1959 Number of shares in Statoil ASA: 29,418 (as of December 31, 2016) Loans from Statoil: None Experience: Has worked in Statoil since 1985 and held central management positions in the company, including the positions of Senior Vice President for Global Exploration, Exploration Norway and the Technology Arena. Education: Bachelor's degree of Science in Geology and Geography from the University of Keele. Family relations: No family relations to other members of the CEC, members of the Board or the Corporate Assembly. Other matters: Tim Dodson is a British citizen and lives in Norway.
Research Interest
Economics and Business Administration