
Oncology Experts

Yuan-ing Kristen Ho

Executive Secretary Taiwan Breast Cancer Alliance
Oncology and Molecular Radiation Sciences
Taiwan Oncology Society


Kristen Ho was diagnosedwith breast cancer at the age of 32. Focusing onher baby boy, who just turned one year old, she didn’t stop to ask why it was her that got cancer, but began her treatment immediately. After completingher treatment, she tried not to think about breast cancer as if theperiod of treatment was just another closed chapter. Until more than a decade later, at the encouragement of a friend, another breast cancer survivor, she started to talk about her story and experience for the first time. Kristen Ho was diagnosedwith breast cancer at the age of 32. Focusing onher baby boy, who just turned one year old, she didn’t stop to ask why it was her that got cancer, but began her treatment immediately. After completingher treatment, she tried not to think about breast cancer as if theperiod of treatment was just another closed chapter. Until more than a decade later, at the encouragement of a friend, another breast cancer survivor, she started to talk about her story and experience for the first time.

Research Interest

Kristen started volunteering at Taiwan Breast Cancer Alliance in 2011, and threeyears later became one of the staff. Partof her jobat TBCA is to managetheblog and Facebook fan page, focusing on the social, economic, cultural challenges that patients and survivorsareforced to face. She was alsothe executive editor of TBCA‘svarious publications, including “How to Read Pathology Report”, “Hormone: A Woman’s Close Friend”, and “Bone Metastasis”. In addition,shetranslatesEnglish papersand news articles to bring patients and survivors up to date with the latest research progress.Kristen is also ahost at CanCheers online radio station, launched by TBCA last year. She, along with other hosts, hopes to use her voiceto bring joy and comfort to all cancer patients.  

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