Business & Management

Business & Management Experts

Day Wigum

Telia Ltd


Dag Wigum (Born 1965) was raised at Kolbotn and began as CTO in Telia Norway in April 2017. Wigum has previously been CEO of Schibsted Payment, CIO / CTO in Schibsted ASA, Orkla Media Digital, Fjord Seafood, Eniro, Scandinavia Online (SOL) and unsuitable. Wigum is educated in information technology and psychology from the University of Oslo and NKI Datahøgskolen. Dag Wigum (Born 1965) was raised at Kolbotn and began as CTO in Telia Norway in April 2017. Wigum has previously been CEO of Schibsted Payment, CIO / CTO in Schibsted ASA, Orkla Media Digital, Fjord Seafood, Eniro, Scandinavia Online (SOL) and unsuitable. Wigum is educated in information technology and psychology from the University of Oslo and NKI Datahøgskolen.

Research Interest

Business & Management

Global Experts from Norway

Global Experts in Subject

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