
Oncology Experts

Zoltan Szallasi, Md

Vice President for Healthcare Outcomes Policy and
Oncology and Molecular Radiation Sciences
University of Debrecen


Dr. Szallasi serves as a Senior Research Scientist in the Informatics Program at Boston Children’s Hopstial. He received his MD from the University of Medicine in Debrecen. His postdoctoral research was in the field of molecular pharmacology of cancer at the National Cancer Institute. He has published over 60 peer reviewed articles, mainly on the molecular pharmacology and high throughput analysis of cancer. Dr. Szallasi current research focus is: How is the robust phenotype of a given cancer type coded in gene expression networks? Dr. Szallasi serves as a Senior Research Scientist in the Informatics Program at Boston Children’s Hopstial. He received his MD from the University of Medicine in Debrecen. His postdoctoral research was in the field of molecular pharmacology of cancer at the National Cancer Institute. He has published over 60 peer reviewed articles, mainly on the molecular pharmacology and high throughput analysis of cancer. Dr. Szallasi current research focus is: How is the robust phenotype of a given cancer type coded in gene expression networks?

Research Interest

The success of genome scale analysis of breast cancer may in fact depend on the effective combination of developing experimental models yielding robust information about human tumors and their statistically sound exploitation. Dr. Szallasi's group is working on such "dual" approaches to answer whether one can identify which patient will respond to a given chemotherapeutic agent or whether there exist different subtypes of genomic instability in breast cancer with prognostic and therapeutic relevance. 

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