Morten Tryland
Arctic and marine biology
University of Tromso
Dr. Tryland, Morten is currently working as a Professor in the Department of Arctic and marine biology, University of Tromso , Norway. His research interests includes Arctic and marine biology. He is serving as an editorial member and reviewer of several international reputed journals. Dr. Tryland, Morten is the member of many international affiliations. He has successfully completed his Administrative responsibilities. He has authored of many research articles/books related to Arctic and marine biology. "" "
Research Interest
Arctic and marine biology
Nymo IH, Tryland M, Frie AK, Haug T, Foster G, Rødven R, Godfroid J. Age-dependent prevalence of anti-Brucella antibodies in hooded seals Cystophora cristata. Diseases of aquatic organisms. 2013 Nov 6;106(3):187-96.