Iain Mcgee
Majan University College
Iain is the Head of English Language Studies faculty. He earned his PhD from Cardiff University, UK, in 2006. Since that time he has published research in various international journals and presented papers at conferences on a variety of subjects within the fields of applied linguistics and TESOL. Iain taught in HEIs in Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and elsewhere in Oman, before joining Majan College in June 2016. He believes all students should be researchers – asking questions, finding answers, and then asking more questions! Iain is the Head of English Language Studies faculty. He earned his PhD from Cardiff University, UK, in 2006. Since that time he has published research in various international journals and presented papers at conferences on a variety of subjects within the fields of applied linguistics and TESOL. Iain taught in HEIs in Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and elsewhere in Oman, before joining Majan College in June 2016. He believes all students should be researchers – asking questions, finding answers, and then asking more questions!
Research Interest
His current academic interests are in discourse analysis, genre analysis, paragraphing, and writing pedagogy.