Ali Al-maktoumi
Assistant Professor
Soils, Water and Agricultural Engineering
Sultan Qaboos University
Dr. Ali Al-Maktoumi is an Assistant Professor for Soils, Water and Agricultural Engineering in the Sultan Qaboos University
Research Interest
Arid Zone Hydrology, Groundwater Numerical Modeling, Managed Aquifer Recharge, Water Resources Management, Vadose Zone Hydrology, Impact of Climate change on groundwater resources, Efficiency of artificial recharge dams
Kacimov A.R., Zlotnik V., Al-Maktoumi A., Al-Abri R. Modelling of transient water table response to mar: a lagoon in Muscat, Oman. Environmental Earth Sciences Journal. DOI:10.1007/s12665-015-5137-5.
Suzanne Faber, Ali Al-Maktoumi, Anvar Kacimov, Hamed Al-Busaidi, Said Al-Ismaily, Mohamed Al-Belushi. Migration and deposition of fine particles in a porous filter and alluvial deposit: laboratory experiments, Arabian Journal of Geosciences, Springer, (Accepted December 2015).
Ali Al-Maktoumi, Said Al-Ismaily, Anvar Kacimov. Studying hydropedology in arid-zone environment: a practical exercise for undergraduate students in soil and water sciences. Journal of geography in Higher Education - Taylor & Francis. (Accepted, October 2015).