Anwar Mohamed Al Rawas
Associate Professor
Mass Communication
Sultan Qaboos University
Dr. Anwar Mohamed Al Rawas is an Associate Professor of Political Mass Communication
Research Interest
Media Politics, Political Communication Communication and the internet,
The Omani Child use of Social Networking Sites and its Impact on Socialization, Egyptian Journal of Mass Communication Research, faculty of Mass Communication, University of Cairo, A Refereed Journal, ISSN 1110- 5836, Vol (50) January-March 2015. (Multi Authored)
The Role of Omani Mass Media in Political Socialization, Exploratory Study, Journal of Arts and Social Sciences, Sultan Qaboos University, A Refereed Journal, ISSN 2312-1270, Vol: (2) Issue (6), December 2014.
Omani Children Interaction with New Media Content, Journal of Human Sciences and Society, International Journal Review, Issued by the College of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Baskara, Algeria, Vol: 12, November 2014, ISSN 2253-0347, (Co- Authored).