Mostafa Waly
Associate Professor
Food Science and Nutrition
Sultan Qaboos University
At the Food Science and Nutrition Department, Sultan Qaboos University, Dr. Mostafa Waly have taught 8 different undergraduate courses and 4 different graduate courses. Presently he is working as an Associate Professor in the Food and Nutition Department
Research Interest
The main theme of Mostafa Waly research is in the area of Nutritional Biochemistry for the past 13 years. His research interests focuses on understanding the metabolic aspects of oxidative stress in relation to non-communicable diseases, including cancer, and his laboratory is interested in identifying mechanisms of hyperhomocysteinemia-mediated oxidative stress, using in-vitro and in-vivo experimental models. The productivity of my research has resulted in numerous publications in international peer-reviewed high ranking journals, acquiring numerous research grants from various national funding agencies as well as establishing a network of research activities with international collaborators.
Waly MI, Power-Charnitsky VA, Hodgson N, Sharma A, Audhya T, Ahang Y, Deth R. Alternatively Spliced Methionine Synthase in SH-SY5Y Neuroblastoma Cells: Cobalamin and GSH Dependence and Inhibitory Effects of Neurotoxic Metals and Thimerosal. Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity Volume 2016 (2016), Article ID 6143753, 11 pages [Published by: Hindawi Publishing Corporation, USA, impact factor 3.56].
Al-Shaaibi S, Waly MI, Al-Subhi L, Tageldin MH, Al-Balushi NM, Rahman MS. Ameliorative Effects of pomegranate peel extract against dietary-induced nonalcoholic fatty liver in rats. Prev Nutr Food Sci. 2016;21(1):14-23. [Published by: The Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition, Scopus indexed].
Waly MI. Targeting colorectal cancer with dietary bioactive agents. Journal of International Society of Antioxidants in Nutrition & Health 2016; 3(1):52. DOI: