
Nursing Experts

Sultan Qaboos University

College of Nursing
Sultan Qaboos University


SQU College of Nursing is the first college in Oman to offer a bachelor degree in nursing. We are proud to say that we, in line with other colleges at SQU, offer free education to Omani students. College of Nursing houses faculty offices, classrooms, cafeteria, auditorium, administrative offices, and student skills lab. At the college, we aim to expand our student’s learning experiences beyond classroom and provide them with various opportunities to explore their passion into nursing. The College of Nursing is the ninth college at Sultan Qaboos University. Presently, the College implements one degree program, the Bachelor of Science in Nursing program through two pathways; the direct entry pathway and the bridging pathway. This nursing program since its inception in 2002 has contributed significantly in meeting health care demands of the Omani society by preparing competent graduate nurses who are skilled in various areas of professional nursing. The College through its quality assurance processes is committed to providing quality nursing education in accordance with international nursing education standards. These efforts have enabled the college to emerge as the premier institution in the country and the region for training nurses at degree level. It is upon this background that we have embarked on developing a Master of Science in Nursing program. The college continues to attract highly qualified academic and administrative staff from across the world. The sustained efforts to improve the output of scholarly activities by individual faculty and through continuing professional development have seen the College make steady progress towards fulfilling its mission and objectives in line with the aspirations of the university and the country.

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