Dr Junaid Ahmed
Assistant Professor
Electrical Engineering
Comsats Institute of Information Technology
Junaid Ahmed received PhD. degree from The University of Manchester in 2012, his PhD work was supervised by Dr Khairi Hamdi. The research area was wireless communications and title of dissertation was "Spectral Efficiency of CDMA based Ad-Hoc Networks." Junaid's MSc degree was from Oklahoma State University in the year 2000. His research supervisor was Dr Scott Acton who has now moved to University of Virginia. The area of research was image processing and the dissertation title was "Image Segmentation for Object based Image Compression." The BSc. degree is from Middle East Technical University in Ankara, Turkiye in 1997, majoring in Telecommunications. Industrial experience includes working as senior software engineer at Streamming Networks in Islamabad where I ported and optimized various speech and audio codec on Philips' Trimedia Digital Signal Processor. I also worked as embedded software engineer for General Bandwidth in Austin, Texas, USA, where I worked in various projects for a voice over DSL gateway. My experience in Crescent Software in Islamabad as software engineer included optimization and integration of various speech and video codecs.
Research Interest
Electrical Engineering