
Toxicology Experts

Arif Hussain Shah

Gomal Universoty


Dr. shah was born in D.I. Khan on May 02, 1952. he got my M.Sc. degree from Peshawar University in 1974. During 1977-1982 he obtained his German language certificate, MS/(Diplom-Chem.) and Ph.D. from Bonn University, Bonn, Germany. During 1982-1983 he worked as Assistant Professor in Gomal University, Pakistan. Then Dr.shah went to King Saud University, Riyadh and initiated his research/teaching work at the Research Centre, College of Pharmacy, KSU, Riyadh (1983-1988). In 1988 he accepted the offer from the Ministry of Health, Riyadh and joined: Central Laboratory for Drug Analysis (CLDA), King Saud Medical City (KSMC), Riyadh as an Expert on Drug Analysis. DR. shah remained MOH employee during (1988-2013) as Expert and Consultant/Professor. He equipped his Lab. with all the latest instruments used in Drug analysis and drug research. he He was Head of three Departments during his stay with MOH (1988 – 2013). his teaching and research interest remained: Drug structure, drug quality, drug stability, drug toxicity. He could develop and published several new Stability-indicating HPLC assay methods and published them in reputed journals. Dr. shah worked as Co-Investigator in about 20 different research projects together with his colleagues and all the projects were officially supported by various recognized research organizations. Dr.shah also worked on the projects of national interest which were approved and backed by the CLDA Research Committee, MOH and the Directorate General for Laboratories and Blood Banks, MOH, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Dr.shah remained member of several official committees and scientific societies. he also worked as reviewer for scientific Journals and supervisor/professor for different students working for their M.Sc. and/or Ph.D. degrees. He joint work with international institutions including: various regular universities and distance learning institutions also remained highly successful and several students completed their MS and Ph.D. studies. In 1998, he was awarded “D.Sc.” degree honor by the WHO backed Medicina Alternativa Institute, IOU, Sri Lanka and he was made Professor to the institute in 1998. The same year Dr. shah was promoted from Associate Professor to full Professor grade where he worked as Professor with Nottingham University, School of Pharmacy (UK) and supervised Two Ph.D. students, where at Akamai University (USA) eight students completed their Ph.D. with him. Dr. shah later participated in the Joint-Venture of MOH and the newly established Saudi-FDA Drug Sector as a Consultant/Professor. Dr. shah published his research finding in journal of high scientific repute; and my current ISI, Impact is above 185.24.

Research Interest

Herbal and Phamaceutical Drug Products,Drug structure, Drug quality, Drug stability, Drug toxicity, New assay methods, Bioequivalence studies.

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