
Microbiology Experts

Malik Badshah

Assistant Professor
Quaid-i-Azam University


Malik Badshah obtained his Ph.D from Lund University, Sweden. He currently holds as an Assistant Professor in Department of Microbiology at Quaid-i-Azam University Islamabad, Pakistan. His research focus within the area of production of renewable energy and bio-based chemicals, Enhancement of anaerobic digestion of different raw materials, Studying process technology of anaerobic digestion for enhancement and understanding of biogas production, Studying of analytical and computing tools to provide automated tools for process supervision that enables smarter, safer and more cost and time efficient assays of biogas and bioethanol processes for energy production.

Research Interest

Research within the area of production of renewable energy and bio-based chemicals, Enhancement of anaerobic digestion of different raw materials, Studying process technology of anaerobic digestion for enhancement and understanding of biogas production, Studying of analytical and computing tools to provide automated tools for process supervision that enables smarter, safer and more cost and time efficient assays of biogas and bioethanol processes for energy production.


  • Crespo, C.F., Badshah, M., Alvarez, M.T., Mattiasson, B., Ethanol production by continuous fermentation of D-(+)-cellobiose, D-(+)-xylose and sugarcane bagasse hydrolysate using the thermoanaerobe Caloramator boliviensis.Bioresource Technology 103 (2012) 186-191

  • Badshah, M., Duong, L., Liu, J., Mattiasson, B., Use of an Automatic Methane Potential Test System for evaluating the biomethane potential of sugarcane bagasse after different treatments. Bioresource Technology 114 (2012) 262–269.

  • Badshah, M., Parawira, W., Mattiasson, B., Anaerobic treatment of methanol condensate from pulp mill compared with anaerobic treatment of methanol using mesophilic UASB reactors. Bioresource Technology 125 (2012) 318–327.

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