
Immunology Experts

Dr Raheela Akhtar

Assistant Professor
Department of Pathology
University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences


Dr Raheela is working as an Assistant Professor (TTS) in Department of Pathology, UVAS, Lahore, Pakistan. She joined department of Pathology in 2005 as a teaching assistant. She was first female in UVAS to win HEC indigenous scholarship for her PhD studies. Later she also won HEC-IRSIP scholarship for her PhD research and conducted her research in University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA that is among top 10 universities of the world. She presented her work in four countries and was the first Pakistani ever to win G.P Sen Young Scientist award in 2008 from India. After accomplishig her PhD at very young age of 28 she was keen to establish a lab at department of Pathology. She upgraded hematology lab at Department of Pathology and is currently supervising molecular diagnostic lab at Department of Pathology, UVAS. She introduced new techniques of LPS extraction and purification, isolation and culturing of immune cells and RFLP at the department. Currently she has one HEC funded ongoing project on brucellosis and one is recently approved by ALP. Dr Raheela has 7 international and 3 national publications.

Research Interest

Effect of Smooth and Rough Strain Brucella abortus Lipopolysaccharides on Immune Stimulation of Bovines. Comparative evaluation of serological tests and Polymerase chain reaction for diagnosis of bovine brucellosis. Molecular characterization of Brucella abortus strains in bovines. Isolation and Identification of Brucella melitensis from aborted bovine samples using AMOS PCR and Immunohistochemistry. Distribution and Localization of Brucella melitensis in aborted fetal tissues of small ruminants


  • M. Younus, T. Abbas, M. Zafar, S. Raza, A. Khan, et al. Assessment of heavy metal contamination in raw milk for human consumption. South African Journal of Animal Sciences (2016). 46(2): 1-4. Muhammad Umair Khan, Saher Islam, Amna Arshad Bajwa, Imran Rashid Raheela Akhtar*,et al. Optimization of single step multiplex PCR for detection of Eimeria tenella and Eimeria necatrix from commercial broilers (2016). Indian Journal of Animal Sciences 86 (6): 671–672. Raheela AkhtarÍ™* Iahtasham Khan, Falk Melzer, Heinrich Neubauer, Aftab Ahmad Anjum, et al. Differential anti-Brucella activity of bovine and murine macrophages (2016). Indian Journal of Experimental Biology. 54: 452-456. Gulbeena saleem, Rukhshanda Ramzaan, Farina Malik Khattak, Raheela Akhtar, Effects of acetic acid supplementation in broiler chickens orally challenged with Salmonella pullorum (2016). Turkish Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences.

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