
Microbiology Experts

Haroon Akbar

Assistant Professor
Department of Parasitology
University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences


Dr Haroon Akbar is currently working as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Parasitology. He graduated as a veterinarian from College of Veterinary Sciences, Lahore in 2001 with a distinction. He earned a state of the art experience in clinical and extension services while working for about two and a half years in the Brooke Hospital for Animals, Pakistan. He has treated a great number of animals at outdoor and indoor clinics while working in the Brooke Hospital for Animals. He has also provided extension services to the animal owners and other stake holders involved in this profession. In 2004 he was selected as a Lecturer in Department of Parasitology. In 2006, he was awarded with an HEC’s grant worth millions of rupees for higher studies abroad in a technically advanced country, France where he remained a full time researcher in highly advanced french laboratories for more than five years. He earned his Masters and Doctorate degrees during his stay in France. He was awarded with the best grade for a PhD in France i.e. Very honorable with congratulations (Très honorable avec félicitations). He has also won the best oral presentation award while presenting his PhD work in France. He also has been awarded with an honorary degree of Doctorate in the Life and Health Sciences. He can communicate in English, French, Urdu and Punjabi.

Research Interest

Parasitic Immunology Vaccinology Diagnostic and Molecular Parasitology


  • H. Akbar, C. Pinçon, CM Aliouat, S. Derouiche, ML Taylor et al. “Characterizing Pneumocystis in the lungs of bats: understanding Pneumocystis Evolution and Spread of Pneumocystis organisms in mammal populations” accepted in Applied and Environmental Microbiology H. Akbar, S. Germon, P. Berthon, I. Dimier-Poisson, N. Moiré. Depletion of CD25+ cells during acute toxoplasmosis does not significantly increase mortality in Swiss OF1 mice. Mem Inst Oswaldo Cruz,(2012) 107 (2): 155-162. I. Rashid, H. Akbar, W. Shehzad, K. Ashraf, N. Ahmad, M. Lateef, A. Maqbool, M. Oneeb, and K. Saeed. Prophylactic efficacies of the locally prepared Eimeria tenella vaccine in broiler chicken. J. Vet. Anim. Sci.(2012)2:47-51. S. Derouiche, M. Deville, M.L. Taylor, H. Akbar et al. Pneumocytsis diversity as a phylogeographic tool. Mem Inst Oswaldo Cruz,(2009)104 (1): 112-117.

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