
Environmental Sciences Experts

Heather Bedi

environmental chemistry
Palestinian Territory


Dr. Bedi’s research examines environmental and social injustices related to energy, climate change, land grabbing, and industrial ecological transitions. Her published work includes articles on how Indian socio-environmental movements craft organizing identities around food (Environment and Planning, A), Special Economic Zones and land-use protest (Contemporary South Asia), the fallacies of mining environmental impact assessments (Development and Change), the human rights and agricultural implications of coal extraction in Bangladesh (Geoforum), the geographies of contested corporate capitalism and development (Geoforum), the judicialization of socio-environmental movement land claims in India (Journal of Contemporary Asia), the political economy of land resistance (Oxford Development Studies), and a chapter on the symbolic identities of land use planning protest (Routledge: Industrializing Rural India: Land, Policy and Resistance). An advocate of place based learning and teaching, Dr. Bedi’s nascent research examines energy injustice through the lens of shale gas extraction (fracking) in Pennsylvania. Building from her work on cumulative environmental injustices in South Asia’s coal hubs, her current work examines the everyday of energy poverty, solar energy access, and climate change vulnerabilities.

Research Interest

environmental chemistry

Global Experts from Palestinian Territory

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