Beata- Kozlowska-chyla
Chairman of the Supervisory BoardÂ
Mining Department
Beata- Kozlowska-Chyla has been Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Grupa LOTOS S.A. since June 28, 2016. She has been Member of the Supervisory Board at the Company since May 25, 2016. She is Chairman of the Strategy and Development Committee and of the Organization and Management Committee at the Company. She holds Doctorate degree in Law and is Lecturer at Uniwersytet Warszawski. She was Acting Director of Przedsiebiorstwo Panstwowe Uzdrowisko Konstancin. She also was Advisor to the Minister of Finance. She served on the Supervisory Board of PZU SA and later was Member of its Management Board. She also served on the Supervisory Boards of FI PZU SA and PTE PZU SA, as well as Telewizja Polska S.A., among others.
Research Interest
oil and gas exploration Management and Geo Physics