Helen Y. Dee
Board of Directors
PetroEnergy Resources Corp
Ms. Helen Y. Dee serves as Chairman of the Board of PetroEnergy Resources Corporation. She has been a Director of the Company since 2001. She is Chairman of the Company's Compensation and Remuneration Committee and member of the Audit Committee. She has served as Chairman of House of Investments, lnc., Rizal Commercial Banking Corporation, RCBC Forex Brokers Corp, Financial Brokers Insurance Agency, lnc' Landev Corporation, Mapua Information Technology, Inc., Hi-isai Pharmaceuticals, Inc., Pan Malayan Realty Corp., RCBC Saving Bank, Merchants Bank, La Funeraria Paz-Sucat, Malayan Insurance Company, National Reinsurance Corp of the Phils', Xamdu Motors, Inc., Seafront Resources Corporation, Manila Memorial Park Cemetery, lnc., and Petrocreen Energy CorPoration. She serves as Chairman/President of Hyde-e Management & Resources, Inc', Grepalife Fixed Income Fund, Crepalife Asset Management Corporation, Financial Brokers lnsurance Agency' Inc. and Mijo Holdings; Chairman, Chief Executive Officer, and President of Tameena Resources, Inc. Moira management, lnc. YGC Corporate Services, lnc. GPL Holdings; Vice Chairman of Pan Malayan Management and lnvestment Corporation, West Development Corporation; and Vice President of A.T. Yuchengco, Inc.
Research Interest
Business Administration