
Infectious Diseases Experts

Cezary Bełdyga

Infectious Diseases


Cezary gained invaluable experience in corporate companies where he implemented many IT projects. Today, as the Director – Telemedical Department, he is a part of a young and independent team of people who share a common objective, understand one another very well and always can rely on one another. In Braster, he found unique opportunities to use his knowledge and experience. He started the telemedical department. Furthermore, he continuously improves the mobile app that is used for safe and intuitive communication with users. Therefore, he is really excited to hear that according to scientific research, the product he has been working on is a breakthrough solution in the breast cancer screening. Cezary perceives working at Braster as the one and only opportunity to participate in a worldwide unique project. The Braster device is a source of his satisfaction and pride. Moreover, the perspective of thousands of women living a longer and happier life has become an everyday motivation.

Research Interest

Cezary Bełdyga has broad interests in the Infectious Diseases and Life Science. His research thus far has focused on Epidemiology.

Global Experts from Poland

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