Dr. Szulc Piotr
Department of Surgery
Dr Piotr Szulc Urology Clinic
Dr. Piotr Szulc is a graduate of the Wroclaw medical University, Faculty of Medicine. He completed his studies in 1989, obtaining his MD. In 1993 after successfully passing his specialty exam, he obtained a 1st degree of specialization in general surgery and a few years later, in 1997, he obtained his 2nd degree of specialization in the same specialty. He has kept busy with treating and diagnosing erectile dysfunctions since 1999. In 2002 he successfully passed a European urological exam with a final grade of very good earning the prestigious FEBU tittle (Fellow European Board of Urology). From 1991 to 2009 he has continued to work on developing his professional skills while working in one of the best lower silesian hospitals during that time - The District Railway Hospital. While working in the surgery department he went through many training sessions related to general surgery with focus on minimally invasive procedure techniques also known as laparoscopic surgery. The next big step in his professional career involved working in the urology ward at the District Railway Hospital in Wroclaw. Since 2009 doctor Szulc has assumed the position as Head of the Department of Urology at the EuroMediCare Hospital in Wrocław.
Research Interest
General Surgery, Urology, laparoscopic surgery