Agri and Aquaculture

Agri and Aquaculture Experts

Lidia Sas Paszt

Department of Soil and Orchard Management
Research Institute of Horticulture


Lidia Sas Paszt is a Professor at the Department of Soil and Orchard Management, Rhizosphere Laboratory (IO). She is a Coordinator and Executor of tasks of the research and development project EkoTechProdukt co-financed by the European Commission from the European Regional Development Fund, (2009-2015). Her research interests is in the area of rhizosphere and nutrient management strategies in fruit crops, development of microbial inocula for horticultural production and development of bioproducts for fruit crops Lidia Sas Paszt is a Professor at the Department of Soil and Orchard Management, Rhizosphere Laboratory (IO). She is a Coordinator and Executor of tasks of the research and development project EkoTechProdukt co-financed by the European Commission from the European Regional Development Fund, (2009-2015). Her research interests is in the area of rhizosphere and nutrient management strategies in fruit crops, development of microbial inocula for horticultural production and development of bioproducts for fruit crops

Research Interest

rhizosphere and nutrient management strategies in fruit crops


  • Beneficial microorganisms improving yield quality of horticultural crops and soil fertility

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