Dr. R. Kwasnicki
Environmental Science
He is a doctor of law, a solicitor and a managing partner at RKKW - KWAÅšNICKI, WRÓBEL & Partners. He specializes in corporate law, capital market law and court proceedings. He graduated from AMP (Advanced Management Program) at IESE Business School, University of Navarra and Value Creation through Effective Boards at Harvard Business School (Executive Education) and IESE Business School. Since 2014, he has been a member of the Supervisory Board of PKN ORLEN SA, where he is currently the Vice Chairman and Chairman of the Strategy and Development Committee. He also serves as a member of the Supervisory Board of SFINKS POLSKA SA In the past, he has held positions in the supervisory boards of many companies. Industrial Development Agency SA, PGE Energia SA, BBI Capital NFI SA, MAGO SA and the Polish State Railways SA. He is an editor and author and co-author of several textbooks and commentaries and over three hundred other publications or statements devoted to practical aspects of economic law.
Research Interest
Mr. Radosław Leszek Kwaśnicki research education mainly focused in the field of Industrial development