LuÃs Miguel Nunes Valente Afonso Reino
Applied Ecology
CIBIO, Centro de Investigacao em Biodiversidade e Recursos Geneticos
I am since 2010 a Post-doctoral researcher at the Research Center in Biodiversity and Genetic Resources (CIBIO-InBIO), of the University of Porto (Portugal), where I currently hold a FCT Post-doc grant. After completing my graduation ("Licenciatura") at the Instituto Superior de Agronomia (Technical University of Lisbon) (1994-2000), I worked as a researcher and environmental consultant at the private company ERENA, SA (1999-2004). Thereafter, I got a FCT grant to complete my PhD in Forestry Sciences (2004-2010) at the Instituto Superior de Agronomia. After completing my FCT grant I returned to ERENA (2008-2010) before I started my current position in CIBIO-InBIO. I have authored 22 publications in international scientific journals (listed by ISI and Scopus) and my work has been cited over 230 times (h factor = 9).
Research Interest
My main research interests are in the area of biodiversity conservation in human-dominated landscapes, particularly in agricultural and forest systems, with a special focus in farmland ecology, habitat fragmentation of farmland habitats and invasion ecology.
Luna A, Monteiro M, Asensio-Cenzano E, Reino L (2016) Status of the rose-ringed parakeet Psittacula krameri in Lisbon, Portugal. Biologia, 71(6): 717-720.
Pina S, Vasconcelos S, Reino L, Santana J, Beja P, Sánchez-Oliver JS, Catry I, Moreira F, Ferreira S (2017) The Orthoptera of Castro Verde Special Protection Area (Southern Portugal): new data and conservation value. ZooKeys, 691: 19-48.
Mori E, Grandi G, Menchetti M, Tella JL, Jackson HA, Reino L, van Kleunen A, Figueira R, Ancillotto L (2017) Worldwide distribution of non-native Amazon parrots and temporal trends of their global trade. Animal Biodiversity and Conservation, 40.1: 49-62.