
Bioinformatics & Systems Biology Experts

Teresa Chambel

Associate Professor
Lisbon UNiversity


Teresa Chambel is an Associate Professor in Department of Informatics, Faculty of Sciences, University of Lisbon in Portugal (DI-FCUL), and Senior Researcher of Human-Computer Interaction and Multimedia (HCIM) research line at LASIGE Lab. She graduated in Computer Science at FCUL, has a Master’s degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering, from IST, and a PhD in Informatics from FCUL. Before joining the LASIGE Lab, she was a member of the Artificial Intelligence Research Group, at LNEC, and the Multimedia and Interaction Techniques Group at INESC. Her research interests include Multimedia and Hypermedia, Video and Hyper-video, HCI, Creativity, Immersion, Visualization, Accessibility, Cognition and Emotions, Wellbeing, Interactive TV, e-Learning and Digital Art. In these areas, she has been teaching, researching, supervising students, publishing conference and journal papers and book chapters, and organizing events Teresa Chambel is an Associate Professor in Department of Informatics, Faculty of Sciences, University of Lisbon in Portugal (DI-FCUL), and Senior Researcher of Human-Computer Interaction and Multimedia (HCIM) research line at LASIGE Lab. She graduated in Computer Science at FCUL, has a Master’s degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering, from IST, and a PhD in Informatics from FCUL. Before joining the LASIGE Lab, she was a member of the Artificial Intelligence Research Group, at LNEC, and the Multimedia and Interaction Techniques Group at INESC. Her research interests include Multimedia and Hypermedia, Video and Hyper-video, HCI, Creativity, Immersion, Visualization, Accessibility, Cognition and Emotions, Wellbeing, Interactive TV, e-Learning and Digital Art. In these areas, she has been teaching, researching, supervising students, publishing conference and journal papers and book chapters, and organizing events

Research Interest

Multimedia and Hypermedia, Video and Hyper-video, HCI, Creativity, Immersion, Visualization, Accessibility, Cognition and Emotions, Wellbeing, Interactive TV, e-Learning and Digital Art


  • Video-based interactive and immersive media experiences

Global Experts from Portugal

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