
Healthcare Experts

Helmut Schuehsler

TVM Capital Healthcare Partners Limited


Dr. Schuehsler started his investment management career at Horizonte Venture Management in Vienna, Austria, and joined TVM Capital in Munich in 1990. Since then his investment track record includes 30 direct investments, as well as positions as chairman, vice chairman or director at around 30 innovative life science and healthcare companies. In the Middle East, he currently serves as chairman of UAE-based Manzil Health Care Services, and previously held the position of chairman at ProVita International Medical Center, Cambridge Medical & Rehabilitation Center and Bourn Hall International. On the life science side, he is a board member of Concert Pharmaceuticals, Inc, (Lexington, MA, USA) and f-Star GmbH (Vienna, Austria). As a long-time director of Max Planck Innovation, he contributed to the translation of leading German science into commercial projects. For several years between 2003 and 2009, he represented the European private equity and venture capital industry at the European government level in Brussels in various roles such as chairman of the Professional Standards Committee and finally in 2007/08 as chairman of the European Private Equity and Venture Capital Association (EVCA, now called “Invest Europe”). During his tenure with TVM Capital, Dr. Schuehsler has raised more than $1 billion in committed capital for life science and healthcare investments from global investors. In the process, he has overseen investments as a managing partner or CEO in 100 healthcare and life science companies, with over 40 going public in the United States and Europe

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