LuÃs Miguel De Serpa Viana Teixeira Da
Aeronautical Sciences
Universidade Lusafona de Humanidades e Tecnologias
Luís Miguel de Serpa Viana Teixeira da Silveira master doctor by Cranfield University in Human Factors and Safety Assessment in Aeronautics. In the scope of the Masters, Winner of the Best Thesis of the Year Award in Human Factors and Safety Assessment in Aeronautics, academic year 2011/2012. Degree in Aeronautical Sciences from the ISEC Higher Institute of Education and Sciences. Senior Commander at TAP Portugal Since 1989 and to date. University Professor since 2011 and up to the present. President of the Association of Portuguese Airline Pilots. Guest speaker at various national and international conferences. Guest of the media for aeronautical issues
Research Interest
Human Factors and Safety Assessment Aero, Aeronautical Sciences
Article in Aeronautics, published in the journal Sirius and following the participation in the committee to assess Taiwan's request for membership in ICAO. Title: Word of the East.
Invited speaker at the International Civil Aviation English Association (ICAEA) Conference in Istanbul on Human Factors in Communications.
Organizer and Coordinator of the Short Course in Human Factors, Aeronautical Medicine, Safety and Security in Aeronautics, at ULHT, with the participation of an international panel of invited Teachers.