
Pediatrics Experts

Dr. Hassan Khabbazeh

al-hayath Medical center


Specialized in Pediatric Medicine from Ministry of Health Medicine Diploma, M.D. ( Doctor of Medicine License ) graduated from Aleppo University. Syrian Board In Pediatric. Education in Aleppo Syria. Experience: 2016 at Present : Al Hayat Medical Center, Doha. 2014-2015 : The director of the medical staff with AHL ALKHAIR ASSOCIATION . 2014-2015 : worked with the UN Refugee Agency as a specialized in pediatrics through Al Taalouf charity association . 2010-2012 : The chief of intensive care unit of pediatrics hospital . 2003-2015 : A physician in intensive care unit in pediatrics hospital . 2003-2015 : Specialized in pediatrics hospital in Aleppo . 2003-2015 : worked as a Specialized Pediatrician in pediatrics hospital in Aleppo . 2003-2015 : Accredited doctor in Red Crescent Hospital in Aleppo. 2002-2003 : worked as a Specialist in pediatric department in ZahiAzrak (Aleppo health directorate) hospital. Training And Courses: Course for acute sever diarrhea treatment 16/05/2002. Certificate of the fifth course of the Pediatrics advance life support PALS 19/6/2003. Training course about nutrition and digestion diseases with children in Amman Jordan 2006. Training course about the treatment of malnutrition with children that the Syria union for digestion diseases and nutrition for children held in Damascus 27/7/2007. Training course about total parenteral nutrition TPN in Damascus in 17/6/2007. Certificate of attendance for the updates in intensive care medicine conference, by the Syrian American medical association SAMA 2009. Course of the basics of the scientific research in the Syndicate of Doctors in Aleppo in 2010. Certificate of attendance of workshop of mechanical ventilation and a program: S.T.A.P.L.E course in thehospital of King Abdullah University in Irbid-Jordan 24/02/2011. Conference in Adana-Turkey about transporting neonatal, 5-7/05/2011. Certificates:   A certificate of successfully completion of an international course in infection control and health care Epidemiology in the center for continuing medical and health education CCMHE in collaboration with the gulf cooperation council for infection control, the department of health and the syrian medical association in Hama city 2/5 /2009. A certificate of successfully completion the of the S.T.A.B.L.E. Program Learner Course in CCMHE in Hama on 16 - 17 / 04 / 2010 in accordance with the curriculum of S.T.A.B.L.E Program. Leader instructor: Omana Jacob Abraham, RN. A certificate of successfully completion for Neonatal and pediatric mechanical ventilation course in CCMHE in collaboration with the department of health and the syrian medical association in Hama 17/ 4 / 2010 . A certificate of successfully completion pediatric advanced life support & Basic life support ( PALS & BLS ) in the center for continuing medical & health education ( CCMHE ) in Hama 21\ 10 \ 2010. Program: Saudi Heart Association in affiliation with American Heart Association.

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