Environmental Sciences

Environmental Sciences Experts

Gordon Mckay

College of Science & Engineering
Hamad bin Khalifa University


Dr. McKay has almost 40 years of experience in academia and industry. He is presently a professor of sustainable development at Hamad Bin Khalifa University. Prior to this he was head of department and professor in chemical and biomolecular engineering at Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST). During his time in Hong Kong he was Chairman of the Chemical Discipline of HKIE.

Research Interest

Wastewater and water treatment optimization and re-use (adsorption, biosorption, ion exchange, ozonation) waste to energy food waste-chitosan from waste seafood shells film/membrane synthesis and applications catalysis products and  biomass oils and biomass wastes .


  • Hadi, P., Yeung, K.Y., Barford, J.P., An, K.J., McKay, G., Significance of microporosity on the interaction of phenol with porous graphitic carbon. Chemical Engineering Journal. Vol. 269 20-26 2015

  • Bazargan, A., Sadeghi, H., Garcia-Mayoral, R., McKay, G., An unsteady state retention model for fluid desorption from sorbents, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, Vol. 450 pp. 127-134 2015

  • Bazargan, A., Bazargan, M., McKay, G., Optimization of rice husk pretreatment for energy production Renewable Energy, Vol. 77 pp. 512-520 2015

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