Mgr. Zuzana Dalikova
qatari czech therapy center
she graduated from Palacky University, Olomouc (Czech republic) in 2011 From 2011 to 2014 I worked on private rehabilitation clinics in the Czech republic, from 2014 I work in Qatari Czech Therapy Center, Qatar. During my praxis I have accomplished many different specialisation courses for various diagnoses such as mobilisation techniques, pain relieve techniques for back and shoulders, kineziotape, core stabilisation or Mojzisova technique for back pain and functional female ster ility and I am also certified Nordic Walking instructor. I believe that every person has a big potential to improve and my goal is to help my patients to relieve from pain and guide them to reach better condition. Czech-Native, English- good, Arabic- Beginner In my leasure time I like to do any kind of sports, running, joga or pilates.
Research Interest
Phsical Medicine