Dr. Konstantinos Kakosimos
Chemical Engineering
Texas A and M University
Dr. Kakosimos’ main research activities are focused on the development and application of the tools needed to improve and sustain the quality of the environment. In 2014, he established the Sustainable Energy and Clean Air Research lab (SECAReLab) with unique facilities for the development and testing of solar-driven chemical processes and the involved equipment and materials. He received the IChemE Hutchison medal for 2015. In the past, he worked as Postdoctoral Research Fellow/Assistant in the Laboratory of Thermophysical Properties and Environmental Processes of Aristotle University, as visiting Research Assistant in the National Environmental Research Institute, Aarhus University Denmark and also as a Design Engineer and Environmental Consultant for a number of private firms (Hellenic Petroleum, Titan Cement Company SA, Hellenic Gold, HYETOS GP etc). On October 2012 he has been appointed Assistant Professor of Chemical Engineering in Texas A&M University at Qatar. During the previous years, he has been involved in many private and public, local and European projects concerning environmental and hazard studies and training. His primary research activities are focused on the following fields: Study of environmental processes with computational fluid dynamics tools Risk analysis and effects estimation of fires, explosions, and toxic gas dispersions Solar thermochemical processes Development of numerical and stochastic models for local scale atmospheric dispersion of pollutants Design and application of equipment for the monitoring of airborne particulate matter pollution based on passive sampling Thermophysical properties​ Education 2002 Dipl. Of Chemical Engineer, Chemical Engineering Dept. Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece, grade 8.7/10 (among 3% of Department’s all times best) 2009 Doctorate on Chemical Engineering, thesis subject “Simulation of the dispersion of toxic gases in residential areas”, Chemical Engineering Dept. Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece. Experience 2013- Assistant Professor, Chemical Engineering Program, Texas A&M University at Qatar 2010‑2012 Consultant and Design Engineer – Project Manager (HYETOS GP, Greece) 2002-2009 Research Assistant/Associate (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece) 2002- Charted Chemical Engineer (Greece) 2001‑2002 Software developer (in research projects) Awards 2017 Research Excellence Award for Early Career Faculty, Texas A&M University at Qatar 2016 Research Laboratory Safety Award, Texas A&M University at Qatar - Texas A&M Engineering Experiment Station Genesis Award (Team Leader Dr. N. Elbashir) - Best Paper awarded to A. Kalyva (supervised PhD student), International Conference on Hydrogen Production, Hangzhou, China 2015 Hutchison Medal, IChemE, UK - Richard Ewing Award to K. Abdulaziz (supervised student) for her research performance 2014 Best paper award, Engineering Leaders Conference, Doha, Qatar 2013 Winning Project in the 1st Teaching Innovation with Technology Competition, TAMUQ 2009,2010 2 Short Term Scientific Missions, COST Action ES0602 2009 PostDoc Honorable distinction by the Research Committee of Aristotle University 2008 PhD Honorable distinction by the Research Committee of Aristotle University 2006 Marie Curie Assistantship- Training Course EUA4X as young Researcher 2001-2002 Honorable distinction by the Technical Chamber of Greece (1st in the Department) 1997‑1998 Honorable distinction by the National Foundation of Scholarships Honors 2015-2017 Principal Investigators Council (Chair 2016/2017), CHEN-TAMUQ 2013‑2015 Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry- Arabian Gulf Branch, Secretary 2012‑present Chair of the Publicity, Outreach and Communication committee of CHEN-TAMUQ 2009-2012 Vice Chairman of the Administration Board of the Hellenic Association of Chemical Engineers, Department of Central- and West-Northern Greece
Research Interest
â–ºKalyva A.E., Vagia E.C., Konstandopoulos A.G., Srinivasa A.R., T-Raissi A., Muradov N. and Kakosimos K.E., "Hybrid photo-thermal sulfur-ammonia water splitting cycle: Thermodynamic analysis of the thermochemical steps", Interna-tional Journal of Hydrogen Energy (2017). doi: 10.1016/j.ijhydene.2017.01.104 [IF:3.21]
â–ºSaraga D., Maggos T., Sadoun E., Fthenou E., Hassan H., Tsiouri V., Karavoltsos S., Sakellari A., Vasilakos C. and Kakosimos K.E., "Chemical Characterization of indoor and outdoor Particulate Matter (PM2.5, PM10) in Doha, Qatar", Aerosol and Air Quality Research (Accepted).[my group coordinated the field campaign measurements and data in-terpretation]. [IF:3.29]
Experimental and Numerical Study of Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Pool Spreading and Vaporization on Water. Go-palaswami N., Kakosimos K.E., Zhang B., Liu Y., Mentzer R., Mannan M.S. Journal of Hazardous Material (2017) doi.org/10.1016/j.jhazmat.2017.04.025. [lead author is not my student but I supervised the numerical work, thus be-ing 2nd author]. [IF:4.53]