Dr. Mohamed Nounou
Chemical Engineering
Texas A and M University
Dr. Nounou’s research interests are in the area of process systems engineering with a particular emphasis on process modeling, estimation, fault detection, and control. The algorithms and tools developed in Dr. Nounou’s research are utilized in many applications to improve the operation of various chemical, environmental, biological, and electrical systems. Dr. Nounou joined the Chemical Engineering Program at Texas A&M University at Qatar in 2006 bringing in both academic and industrial experiences. He has published numerous contributions in the form of journal and conference papers and book chapters. He also served as an associate editor, guest editor, and in technical committees of several international journals and conferences. Dr. Nounou received numerous awards at both the college and university levels. He is a member of AIChE and a senior member of IEEE. Education ​Doctor of Philosophy, Ohio State University, 2000 Master of Science, Ohio State University, 1997 Bachelor of Science, Magna Cum Laude, Texas A&M University, 1995 Experience ​2014 - Present Professor, Chemical Engineering, Texas A&M University at Qatar, Qatar. 2009 - 2014 Associate Professor, Chemical Engineering, Texas A&M University at Qatar, Qatar. 2006 - 2009 Assistant Professor, Chemical Engineering, Texas A&M University at Qatar, Qatar. 2002 - 2006 Assistant Professor, United Arab Emirates University, UAE. 2000 - 2002 Development Engineer, PDF Solutions, Inc., USA 1996 - 2000 Research Associate, Ohio State University, USA. 1997 - 2000 Teaching Associate, Ohio State University, USA. Awards TAMUQ Chemical Engineering Faculty of the Year Award, 2014. TAMUQ Student Organization Advisor of the Year Award, 2014. TAMUQ Faculty Excellence Award, 2013. TAMUQ Chemical Engineering Faculty of the Year Award, 2013. Recepient of the third best paper award at the IEEE International Workshop on Genomic Signal Processing and Statistics, 2013. TAMU Association of Former Students (AFS) University-level Distinguished Achievement Teaching Award, 2012. TAMU Association of Former Students (AFS) College-level Distinguished Achievement Teaching Award, 2011. TAMUQ Recognition Award for contribution during the ABET accreditation process, 2009. TAMUQ AIChE Chapter Appreciation Award, 2008. His undergraduate student researcher received the TAMU Richard E. Ewing Undergraduate Research Award, 2008. Honors Member in Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society, 2013. IEEE Senior member, 2008. University graduate fellow, The Ohio State University, 1996 Magna Cum Laude Honor graduate at Texas A&M University, 1995. Member in Golden Key National Honor Society, 1995. Member in Tau Beta Pi Engineering Honor Society, 1995. Member in Omega Chi Epsilon Chemical Engineering Honor Society, 1995. Undergraduate Scholarships: Amoco Company scholarship and the chemical engineering department scholarship, TAMU, 1994-5.
Research Interest
Enhanced modeling of chemical and environmental processes using multiscale estimation. Modeling, estimation, and intervention in biological phenomena. Statistical process monitoring and applications in chemical and environmental processes. Model-free control system design and applications in chemical and electrical systems.
Meskin, N., Nounou, H., Nounou, M., and Datta, A., “Parameter Estimation of Biological Phenomena: An Unscented Kalman Filter Approachâ€, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, 10, 2, 537-543, 2013.
Nounou, M., Nounou, H., and Mansouri, M., “Model-Based and Model-Free Filtering of Genomic Dataâ€, Network Modeling Analysis in Health Informatics and Bioinformatics, 2, 3, 109-121, 2013.
Khadraoui, S., Nounou, H., Nounou, M., Datta, A., and Bhattacharyya, S., “A Measurement-Based Approach for Designing Reduced-Order controllers with Guaranteed Bounded Errorâ€, International Journal of Control, 86, 9, 1586-1596, 2013.