
Social & Political Sciences Experts

Aymen Elsheikh

Liberal Arts
Texas A&M University at Qatar


Elsheikh is also involved in leadership and professional development projects. He has recently won the prestigious Leadership and Mentoring Program Award from TESOL International, the world’s preeminent English language teaching association.

Research Interest

Aymen Elsheikh is a classroom teacher and teacher educator with a wide range of research interests. This research has investigated issues of translanguaging in English medium instruction contexts, writing centers in the Gulf region, language teacher knowledge and identity, motivation, investment, and identity development of second language learners and teachers, teachers and students’ perceptions of teaching English as an international language, language teachers’ associations, among others. He has given numerous conference presentations on these topics, as he is a frequent invited speaker at international conferences.


  • Elsheikh, A., Elnumairi, A. (2017). Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Literature and English Language Teaching, The Victorian.

  • Elsheikh, A. (in press). Rubrics. The TESOL Encyclopedia of English Language Teaching.Wiley & TESOL International.

  • Abu-Rumaileh, S. Elsheikh, A. & Al-Alami, S. (in press). Motivation and Classroom Management: Theory, practice, and implications. Dubai: TESOL Arabia Publications.

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