Leeann Rudd
Assistant Professor
Liberal Arts
Texas A&M University at Qatar
Dr. Mysti Rudd has nearly 20 years of teaching experience at the college level, having taught at both two-year community colleges and four-year universities. Besides teaching her specialty of FYC (First-Year Composition), Rudd has taught Technical Writing & Communication, Advanced Composition, American Literature, Creative Writing, and Developmental Reading & Math. She has presented her work at 40+ academic conferences in the last ten years.
Research Interest
Her areas of interest include the following: Composition Theory and Pedagogy, including WaW (the Writing about Writing movement), Multi-modal Composition (including Digital Narratives & ePortfolios), Tutoring & Teaching Diverse Students and At-Risk Populations, SoTL (the Scholarship of Teaching & Learning), Teaching for Transfer, Student Engagement & Persistence.
Best Writing 2016: Why Write? Eds. Mysti Rudd and Elizabeth Schmidt.
Best Writing 2017: What Writing Can Do. Eds. Mysti Rudd and Amy Hodges.
"Reasons to Leave, Reasons to Believe: Students’ Stories of Withdrawing from First Year Composition." Dissertation. Indiana University of Pennsylvania, English Composition/ T.E.S.O.L., 2012