Environmental Sciences

Environmental Sciences Experts

Mike Bowman

petroleum Engineering
Texas A&M University at Qatar


Mike Bowman completed his 1975 BSc Honours Class I in Geology, University of Leeds 1981 PhD University of Sheffield. Sedimentology and Stratigraphy of the San Emiliano Formation and Associated Sequences,Upper Carboniferous, Cantabrian Mts, NW Spain

Research Interest

Subsurface Practices in the Upstream Oil & Gas Business Resource Appraisal & Field Development Planning, Subsurface Uncertainty Assessment & Risk Management, Subsurface Description & Prediction – Reservoir focused, Challenged and stranded resources such as thin bedded gas reservoir prediction and characterization, Unconventional resource evaluation & filed development. Processes and practices that enable subsurface leadership competency and success,


  • Bowman, MBJ & Yeilding, C, (Abstract) 2010 Gulf of Mexico Sub Salt Exploration, Appraisal and Field Development – Lesson’s Learned. In; Salt, Sediments & Prospectivity. Geol. Soc of London Conference and Special Publication. (Keynote Address)

  • Bowman MBJ. 2015. Our Core Skill. In: 52 Things You Should Know About Palaeontology, pp 86-87 Fox, RJ & Bowman, MBJ. 2010. The challenges and impact of compartmentalization in Reservoir Appraisal and Development. In: Jolley, S.J., Fisher, Q.J., Ainsworth, R.B., Vrolijk, P., Delisle, S.D. (eds) “Reservoir Compartmentalisation”. Geological Society, London, Special v. 347, pp. 9-24

  • Steventon, J & Bowman MBJ, 2015 (Abstract) An assessment of the Upper Succession and the related secondary reservoirs in the Welton field, Onshore UK. In (Bowman & Levell conveners); 8th Petroleum Geology of NW Europe Conference Sept. 2015: 50 years of learning - a platform for present value and future success

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