Dr. Rob Turner
Director of Technical Performance
General medicine
Mark Pharmaceuties
Rob Turner graduated from the School of Pharmacy and Biomedical Sciences in Portsmouth University with a BSc degree in Microbiology in 1995. He immediately gained employment at Johnson and Johnson Cosmetics, where he was quickly promoted to the position of Head Microbiologist in the Research and Development Department . In 1998, Dr. Turner successfully obtained funding from J & J to study for a PhD in bio-adhesion and drug delivery under Prof. John Smart at the School of Pharmacy, University of Portsmouth. He completed his studies in 2001 and immediately joined MedPharm as a Senior Microbiologist. Subsequently, Rob was promoted to Head of Microbiology, Deputy Director of Pharmaceutical development and has now taken over the role as Director of Projects and Head of Health and Safety. He has played a lead role in the development of many of the performance tests developed at MedPharm including the TurChub® and ChubTur® ungual systems.
Research Interest