Gabriela Ratulea
Associate Professor
Social Sciences and Communication
Transilvania University
Dr. Ratulea is now Associate Professor of department of Sociology and Communication in Transilvania University of Brasov.
Research Interest
Political Sociology, Social Policies.
Democracy and Cultural Rights in the European Union , in Eu ropean Research Studies, vol. XIII, Issue (2), 2010, International Strategic Management Association, University of Piraeus, ISSN: 1108 – 2976, pp. 187 - 191
Soverignty and violence at Hobbes and Foucault , în G.Ferreol, A. Neculau (coord.), Violence . Psichosocial Aspects , Iaşi, Polirom, 2003, pp. 17 - 35 , (ISBN 973 - 681 - 261 - 8).
John Locke. Elements of political and moral philosophy, Braşov, Editura Uni versităţii Transilvania, 2006, 141 p. , (ISBN 973 - 635 - 572 - 1)
Democracy in intercultural context, i n Plugaru L., Pavalache - Ilie M. (coord. ), Intercultural Education , Sibiu, Editu ra Psihomedia, 2008, pp. 57 - 65, (ISBN 978 - 973 - 1753 - 22 - 5)