Romanova Anna Vyacheslavovna
Child Clinic Family Health
Russian Federation
Education 2010. - The First Moscow State Medical University, faculty "medical business". Scientific activity He is a candidate for the degree of candidate of science. He is working on his Ph.D. thesis under the guidance of Professor K.Yu. Mukhina. He is the author of a number of scientific works. Refresher courses 2012. - "Neurology" FGU UMNTS UD President of the Russian Federation. 2015g. - "Functional diagnostics" of the name of Pirogov. experience Since 2011 the Institute of Pediatric Neurology of St. Luke epilepsy. Position - EEG-assistant; Since 2012 the Institute of Pediatric Neurology of St. Luke epilepsy. Position - a neurologist; Since 2015 Polyclinic UD of the President of the Russian Federation. Position - neurologist for children; LDO of the First Moscow State Medical University named after Sechenov. Position - a neurologist-epileptologist
Research Interest
Dysgraphy; Dyslexia; Delay in speech development; General underdevelopment of speech.