
Surgery Experts

Popov Vyacheslav Anatolyevich

Head of the Department of Anaesthesiology and Rean
Department of Anaesthesiology and Reanimation
Cosmetology and Plastic Surgery centre
Russian Federation


 Head of the Department of Anaesthesiology and Reanimation, anesthesiologist-resuscitator, Candidate of Medical Sciences, doctor of the highest category, Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation Author of 20 rationalization proposals and 22 printed works. Diploma with honors â„– 4542327. Sverdlovsk State Medical Institute, 1968 Specialty Medical practice Qualification Doctor Certificate of a specialist A No. 414555 Specialty Anesthesiologist-resuscitator GBOU HPE UGMU Ministry of Health of Russia, 2013 Education and professional activities He graduated with honors from the Sverdlovsk State Medical Institute in 1968. For 4 years he worked as a surgeon in the Sverdlovsk region and in Sverdlovsk. In 1972 he passed the primary specialization in anesthesiology and resuscitation. From 1973 to 1986 years. Research Associate in the specialty "Anesthesiology and Reanimatology" at the Sverdlovsk Scientific Research Institute for the Protection of Maternity and Infancy of the Ministry of Health of the RSFSR. The field of scientific research is the development of methods for the prevention and treatment of oxygen deficiency in the fetus of the newborn. As a result of the research, there was an invention No. 1313444 "A method for increasing fetal resistance to hypoxia in pregnant women at risk". In 1985, awarded the highest medical category in the specialty of "Anesthesiology and Reanimatology". From 1986 to 1996 served as an anesthesiologist-resuscitator at the City Clinical Hospital No. 40 in Ekaterinburg. Since 1996, from the first days of foundation and up to the present - the head of the department of anesthesiology and resuscitation of the Yekaterinburg Center for Cosmetology and Plastic Surgery. Actively participated in the formation and development of the department, equipping it with modern high-tech equipment, the selection of highly qualified doctors and anesthetist nurses. He specialized in workplaces at the Herzliya Medical Center, Israel (1996); San Francisco Medical Center, USA (2002); Medical Center of Salzburg, Austria (2006), Clinic of Plastic Surgery, Houston, USA (2006).

Research Interest

Anaesthesiology and Reanimation, anesthesiologist-resuscitator

Global Experts from Russian Federation

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