Cherenkova Elena
Research Associate
Institute of Geography Russian Academy of Sciences
Russian Federation
CHERENKOVA ELENA completed her DEGREE: Ph.D. Presently working as a associate researcher in the DEPARTMENT: Laboratory of Climatology.
Research Interest
humidification of the territory and its extremes in a changing climate, relation with changes in atmospheric and oceanic circulation, mathematical-statistical modeling
Cherenkova E, Semenova I, Bardin M, Zolotokrylin AN. Drought and Grain Crop Yields over the East European Plain under Influence of Quasibiennial Oscillation of Global Atmospheric Processes. International Journal of Atmospheric Sciences. 2015 Jan 13;2015.
Cherenkova EA, Semenova IG, Kononova NK, Titkova TB. Droughts and dynamics of synoptic processes in the south of the East European Plain at the beginning of the twenty-first century. Arid Ecosystems. 2015 Apr 1;5(2):45-56.
Cherenkova EA, Bardin MY, Zolotokrylin AN. The statistics of precipitation and droughts during opposite phases of the quasi-biennial oscillation of atmospheric processes and its relation to the yield in the European part of Russia. Russian Meteorology and Hydrology. 2015 Mar 1;40(3):160.
Tereshchenko I, Zolotokrylin AN, Cherenkova EA, Monzón CO, Brito-Castillo L, Titkova TB. Changes in Aridity across Mexico in the Second Half of the Twentieth Century. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology. 2015 Oct;54(10):2047-62.