Mikhailov Andrey
Research Scientist
Laboratory of Climatology
Institute of Geography Russian Academy of Sciences
Russian Federation
MIKHAILOV ANDREY done his DEGREE: Ph.D. and working as Senior Research Scientist in the DEPARTMENT: Laboratory of Climatology.
Research Interest
Mesoscale numerical climate modelling, modelling of orographic precipitation
Titkova T.B., Vinogradova V.V., Mikhailov A.Y. 2015. Climatic Variation of the Arctic Front during the Warm Period and their Infl uence on the Northern Landscapes. Izvestiya Rossiiskoi Akademii Nauk. Seriya Geograficheskaya. (4):39-46.
Zolotokrylin A.N., Mikhaylov A.Y., Titkova T.B. 2015. Effect of Warm Atlantic Waters on the Climate Anomalies in the West Arctic. Ice and Snow. 55(3):73-82. (In Russian) DOI:10.15356/2076-6734-2015-3-73-82