Kremlyov Yuri Viktorovich
Commercial Director
Material Science
Lincoln Pharma
Russian Federation
In 1995 he graduated from the Higher Naval Engineering College (St. Petersburg), specializing in electrical systems. Received additional education: 2001. Academy of National Economy under the Government of the Russian Federation. Marketing. 2006 St. Petersburg State University, Faculty of Management. The MBA program. From 1995 to 1999 he served in the Navy of the Russian Federation in 1999 - 2001. CJSC "TELMOS". Sales Manager. 2001 - 2006 OJSC Mobile TeleSystems (St. Petersburg). Deputy Head of Sales and Service, Head of the Regional Development Service, Director of the Department for work with key customers.2006 - 2008 LLC "TURVATIMI-BALTIKA" (operator of security services). Commercial Director. 2008 - 2016 EG Progress GMbH (Germany). Head of Investment Projects Development Department In January 2017 he was appointed to the position of Commercial Director of PJSC "Mikron"
Research Interest
Automated control systems, software engineer, telecommunications and communications