Mityaeva Olga Ivanovna
Department of History and Theory of Politics
Moscow State University
Russian Federation
she graduated from the Faculty of History of Moscow State University named after MV Lomonosov, since September 1953 worked as a history teacher at Moscow State University. Since 1971, she held the post of associate professor, since 1980 - a professor at the Institute for Advanced Studies of Social and Human Sciences Teachers of the Moscow State University named after MV Lomonosov. Under the guidance of OI Mityaeva, 34 candidates for PhD and 9 candidates for doctoral dissertations were defended. Dissertation Councils of Moscow State University and the Institute of History of the Moscow State University for Historical Sciences. She was also a member of the Dissertation Council of the Faculty of History of Moscow State University on History and Political Science. He participates in the development of projects "Problems of the thousand-year statehood and culture and their contemporary significance", "Civilization approach to the study and tasks of the national culture
Research Interest
Domestic history, historiography, civilizational
In general, prof. OI Mityaeva is the author of 120 publications with a total volume of more than 220 liters. In 2007-2012, it published 20 works of 34.5 bp.
Mityaeva OI Cultural transformations of the Russian village. - Moscow: Moscow State University, 1978. - 12 p.