
Plant Sciences Experts

Sergey Dolgov

Plant Science
Nikitsky Botabical Gardens
Russian Federation


Sergey Dolgov is the Head of Laboratory of Expression Systems and Plant Genome Modification “Biotron”. During last 25 years, the technologies of in vitro cultivation of isolated cells, tissues and organs on artificial media have been developed for more than plant 30 species. Highly effective methods of genetic transformation have been developed for a large number of plants (carrots, tomatoes, pears, apples, strawberries, wheat, duckweed, chrysanthemum), which allow to study the activity of foreign proteins in transgenic plants and obtain varieties with economically valuable traits. Currently, the station of artificial climate "Biotron" researches on the plant physiology and molecular biology (studying of genes that affect the flowering morphology of Compositae), biopharming, protection of plants against biotic and abiotic stresses, field trials of transgenic fruit trees, etc. Sergey Dolgov is the Head of Laboratory of Expression Systems and Plant Genome Modification “Biotron”. During last 25 years, the technologies of in vitro cultivation of isolated cells, tissues and organs on artificial media have been developed for more than plant 30 species. Highly effective methods of genetic transformation have been developed for a large number of plants (carrots, tomatoes, pears, apples, strawberries, wheat, duckweed, chrysanthemum), which allow to study the activity of foreign proteins in transgenic plants and obtain varieties with economically valuable traits. Currently, the station of artificial climate "Biotron" researches on the plant physiology and molecular biology (studying of genes that affect the flowering morphology of Compositae), biopharming, protection of plants against biotic and abiotic stresses, field trials of transgenic fruit trees, etc.

Research Interest

Plant Expression Systems and Plant Genome Modifications

Global Experts from Russian Federation

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