Okhtyrskaya Tatiana Anatolyevna
Nova Clinic, Russia
Russian Federation
Moscow Medical Academy. IM Sechenov Moscow Specialization in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of the Moscow Medical Academy named after. THEM. Sechenov Moscow Postgraduate study on the basis of the FGBU of the NCSGPI. VI Kulakova, Department of Conservation and Restoration of the Reproductive Function. Candidate thesis is devoted to the optimization of IVF programs in patients with repeated unsuccessful attempts at in vitro fertilization in the anamnesis. Certificate of ultrasound diagnosis, gynecological endocrinology, clinical homeopathy. Since 2000, specializes in the treatment of infertility and miscarriage, with the use of modern assisted reproductive technologies: artificial insemination, IVF, incl. with donor cells. The author of a number of printed works in the field of reproduction. Member of the Russian Association of Human Reproduction (MARP)
Research Interest
artificial insemination, IVF